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Hydraulic Oils and Hydraulic Fluids
Hydraulic Fluids - Anti Wear

Rando® WM
ISO 32
Rando® WM 32 ISOCLEAN® Certified Lubricant is a high performance multigrade hydraulic fluid designed for use in wind turbine systems and a wide range of other applications. Rando WM 32 offers high level protection and performance under severe operating conditions

Rando® HD Premium Oil MV
ISO 32
Rando® HD Premium Oil MV is a versatile multi-viscosity lubricant designed to give robust protection to hydraulic pumps in Extreme Climates.

Rando® HD
ISO 10, 22, 32, 46, 68, 100, 150, 220, 320
High Viscosity Index and wide operating temperature lubricant for hydraulic pumps and circulating oil systems.

Rando® HDZ
ISO 15, 22, 32, 46, 68, 100
High Viscosity Index and wide operating temperature lubricant for hydraulic pumps and circulating oil systems.
Hydraulic Fluids - Ashless

Chevron Hydraulic Oil AW
ISO 32, 46, 68
Hydraulic oils designed for
excellent hydraulic pump protection.

Chevron Hydraulic Oil 5606A
Chevron Hydraulic Oil 5606A is manufactured to be used broadly as a hydraulic medium in automotive and industrial equipment operation in unusual cold conditions such as the Alaska North Slope where conventional hydraulic oils are not suitable.

Clarity® Hydraulic Oil AW
ISO 32, 46, 68, 100
Designed with ashless technology with an excellent oxidation protection in high-performance industrial applications, as well as in environmentally sensitive areas.

Clarity® Synthetic EA Hydraulic Oil
ISO 46, 68, 100
Readily biodegradable high performance hydraulic oils that deliver maximum protection while meeting EPA Vessel General Permit (VGP) requirements for environmentally acceptable lubricants.

Clarity® Synthetic Hydraulic Oil AW
ISO 32, 46, 68
Ashless Synthetic hydraulic oils for industrial applications in environmentally sensitive areas. These are high viscosity index fluids that provide a wide operating temperature range.
Ancillary Products

TALCOR™ OGP-4 Gear Oil
Talcor™ OGP-4 is an advanced Open Gear Lubricant formulated with solvent free blend of hydro-treated mineral oils and stable synthetic thickeners, new micro ground lubricating solids and plastic-coupling chemical agents for the lubrication of industrial open or enveloped gears.

A Better Way to Maintain Your Equipment
Like many Maintenance professionals, you devote significant planning time and effort to maintaining your equipment. But did you know that typical new lubricants are simply not clean enough? Dr. Nathan Knotts, Senior Lubrication Specialist, and Jason Gerig, ISOCLEAN® Sector Manager, explain why starting clean with clean oil, Chevron ISOCLEAN® Certified Lubricants, can help you avoid costly equipment downtime and lost production capacity.
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