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Metal working equipment

Bright-Cut® Metalworking Fluid
Bright-Cut® Metalworking Fluid are chlorine-free cutting oils for use in machining operations.

Chevron Way Lubricant
ISO 32, 68, 220
Chevron Way Lubricants are designed for use in the lubrication of slides and ways of machine tools.

TALCOR™ OGP-4 Gear Oil
Talcor™ OGP-4 is an advanced Open Gear Lubricant formulated with solvent free blend of hydro-treated mineral oils and stable synthetic thickeners, new micro ground lubricating solids and plastic-coupling chemical agents for the lubrication of industrial open or enveloped gears.

TALCOR™ OGP-6 Gear Oil
Talcor™ OGP-6 is an adhesive, Open Gear Lubricant free of bitumen, graphite, molybdenum disulphide and other heavy metals. Its highly refined base oils and stable synthetic thickeners, compounded together with high performance enhancing additives, provide a transparent lubricant film on the gear flanks.

Way Oils Vistac®
68, 220
Way Oils Vistac® are designed for use in the lubrication of slides and ways of machine tools.

Learn more about the impact of oil cleanliness and how ISOCLEAN®
Certified Lubricants can help your operation stay clean.